Lightning Farron Nietzsche Cosplay - An Italian cosplay girl


  1. 20/4 11:53 LightningFarron: grazie :D
  2. 14/4 13:21 Yuna J. Moguri: Di niente LOL mi piace vedere come lo aggiorni *_*
  3. 13/4 16:26 LightningFarron: ciao!!! grazie mille di passarci ogni tanto ^^!
  4. 12/4 21:56 Yuna J. Moguri: Ciao Light. Non sapevo avessi un blog. Sono passata per un salutino. ;)
  5. 7/4 18:24 LightningFarron: grazie ^^
  6. 29/3 16:33 xinxe: piacere di fare la vostra conoscenza...volevo farti i complimenti lightning ti ho visto al cartoomics a milano sei veramente uguale all'originale.
  7. 15/3 15:08 LightningFarron: modifiche ->>>"se vedete cose strane "
  8. 15/3 11:26 LightningFarron: ciao!!! grazie mille!!
  9. 12/3 23:18 |Kuja: Comunque sei fantastica sei uguale *_*
  10. 12/3 22:44 |Kuja: Ciao a tutti sono nuovo!
  11. 28/1 23:52 LightningFarron : uhm no no questo č pił baka xD
  12. 19/1 21:18 *Squall Leonhart*: scusami lightning ma il noct che c'č in foto e pure il noct del forum ??XD
  13. 22/12 21:57 *Squall Leonhart*: ma figurati XD
  14. 22/12 20:56 LightningFarron : grazie per esserti iscritto!
  15. 22/12 20:40 °Lightning°: ohilą! ciao!!!
  16. 22/12 17:45 *Squall Leonhart*: Ciauu *.*
  17. 3/12 18:34 °Lightning°: XP
  18. 3/12 18:05 Noctis85: bellissimo il video del game stop, fa troppo ridere ^^
  19. 30/9 21:35 °Lightning°: thx noc!!
  20. 29/9 13:06 Noctis85: l'ho letta bella bella^^
  21. 24/9 16:18 °Lightning°: Intervista: Intervista A Lightning Cosplay
  22. 6/8 13:38 °Lightning°: si tutto sommato si dai almeno un premio :D
  23. 5/8 22:24 Noctis85: Dai č andato bene il rimini incassato premi e ci siamo rivisti^^
  24. 1/8 19:48 °Lightning°: Resoconto del Rimini Comix ->
  25. 22/7 16:28 °Lightning°: Aperto!
  26. 22/7 14:26 Noctis85: Primo Primo!!!^^
  27. 22/7 3:12 °Lightning°: in lavorazione...


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view post Posted on 26/6/2012, 15:24 by: LightningFarronReply



Oh Yeah Some work!!! I just start the Flamberge! I have 5 days for finished it! I can do it! * self-persuasion*

Comments: 0 | Views: 33Last Post by: LightningFarron (26/6/2012, 15:24)

view post Posted on 21/6/2012, 11:08 by: LightningFarronReply


"Only human" it is a project that takes life from the perspective of indentification in the character "Lightning" her psyche. She include a series of images studied in introspective way and to speculate way.They remember the two realities in which we find us to live every day. In these images there are various meanings , the principal concept it is : The Yin and The Yang . Other meanings you can find observing better the image and from the name "only human" that it understand : "to live as human." Then emotions, feelings and perceptions of this experience. The first thing that we must say is that there is a distinction among the meanings:

- Lightning is a woman thatlive a "common life" initially. She has lost her parents but for love of her sister she become strong. Its strength is born from the difficulties but she remain only a girl. But she builds a barrier to protect from the others. Turning herself into an opaque mirror. The other ones seeing only what she has been shown to them but nothing more. She never speaks about herself and she reputes not important to talk about her private feeling and that nobody can perhaps understand her "position". This hostile behavior that share to the others it transforms soon well when she find in a common difficulty with other humans, become L' cie, she cannot do anything else other than to realize that alone she doesn't succeed in facing the situation and that the other ones are essential to make that she succeed in holding up the weight of tragedy and that can complete her/it "mission." His changed is due to the discovery of the other. Its experience in tender age to have lost two very important people for its growth, has made perhaps the all more complicated by to manage. She has had to create one character of his to support the situation. As a parent: strong, determined that she never collapses. In reality it is not so strong because it is also extremely a very fragile person but she turn on her weakness in strength. Lightning has lost her humanity and she has become "someone who is bound to a reality of which you/he/she cannot be craftsman of it", a L'cie.

" We are just pets..... My Life had no propose"

- The second meaning is: Lightning represents a part of me. The white / black part represents the part of the reality , with grey tones. While that of the "imagination" ot is represented with tones more turned on and clear. Lightning is one half oh me because it also represents as I am, her character, her attitudes and her history...


Only human č un progetto che prende vita dalla prospettiva di indentificare nel personaggio una sua psiche. Com...

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Comments: 0 | Views: 43Last Post by: LightningFarron (21/6/2012, 11:08)

view post Posted on 20/5/2012, 14:55 by: LightningFarronReply
I think that i am indeed a fool if I believe to close in myself and to pass for indifference. I should sometimes say l if I am badly or well, if I want to throw something from the window or scream . We cannot be understood only by the gestures ,we also need the words to understand ...
Comments: 0 | Views: 32Last Post by: LightningFarron (20/5/2012, 14:55)

view post Posted on 15/5/2012, 13:58 by: LightningFarronReply

*__________________________* tomorrow on PS3 <3

Comments: 0 | Views: 36Last Post by: LightningFarron (15/5/2012, 13:58)



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