Lightning Farron Nietzsche Cosplay - An Italian cosplay girl

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LightningFarronPosted: 16/5/2010, 22:45
Ho trovato una cosa troppo buffa in giro per la rete mentre cercavo un video di ffxiii! C'è un fan che ha scritto un'inno a lightning... oddio leggetelo è troppo bello!!

Loving Light

Words that hate
Light that blinds
She makes me lose my mind.

She's here to save us
Save the world from its plight
Foolish enemies will be blinded by Light.

She's the best leader there is
Lieutenant in her platoon
Protecting people from their unknowing doom.

A commando by day
A spell-caster when asked
She is able to handle any given task.

Outside and within
Her beauty has many parts
She is able to capture all of our hearts

Hope loves her smile
He loves her pink hair
He loves how he can't help but to gaze and stare.

She makes Fang jealous
Because she turns the head of Vanille
As she isn't the only one with the ability to heal.

Snow adores her
Even by the way she walks
He loves it how she gets mad when she talks.

Unfortunately for men
Lightning loves only one
And that's her sister Serah....

by funnysoft

fonte : Gamespot
